Wednesday 24 August 2011


People who read this post also read :

Hola :)xx
I'm sorry to say that the surprise still isn't ready because it's not dry yet but it should be tomorrow. In the meantime, I have made two really cool discoveries. Well, they'll be cool to all of my fellow nail art addicts.

If you remember, yesterday I showed you the false nails that I bought, and I said that they looked really natural. Well, I've now found that they really are just like real nails... you can paint them and use nail varnish remover to take it off and you're left with the nail you started with. I personally find it easier -when your not doing nail art - to stick them on and them paint them as if they were your own nails, but if you want to do nail art, I suggest you boogy on down to Gem Fatale's Style Blog and look at her Tuesday Tip.

My second discovery was how to make matt nail varnish, or rather how to make nail varnish look matt. I'll write more about this soon, so your just going to have to wait ;).

Here are the pictures of my painted false nails. I used Model's own pastel pink.

So those are my new discoveries. I will right more about the matt nail varnish soon. I just need to get the 'surprise' up first. (I wouldn't get too excited. It's just a tutorial /tip thing)
See you soon and have a great Wednesday

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